Professional Development

The generosity of our community helps sustain our mission of academic and personal excellence, ultimately ensuring a bright future for our school. Your commitment to our program further enhances all that makes TASIS Dorado aworld-class school that transforms lives.

There are two ways to support professional development at TASIS Dorado, giving a gift to our general Professional Development fund or supporting the Tim Howard "Excellence in Teaching" Award. Learn more below.

General Professional Development

Now more than ever, TASIS Dorado is deeply invested in the professional development of our faculty to ensure excellence in our educational program.

A gift to Professional Development will directly impact our efforts to support current TASIS Dorado teachers striving for excellence.

Tim Howard "Excellence in Teaching" Award

The Tim Howard "Excellence in Teaching" Award, established in honor of our second Head of School, aims to recognize individual educators or teams of teachers at TASIS Dorado. The School underscores the vital importance of molding the next generation and places great emphasis on high-quality teachers and the importance of talent development and subject matter expertise.

Drawing on revenue from this restricted, endowed fund, the award may be designated annually starting in FY2022 for a teacher or team of educators who demonstrate instructional growth, expertise, creativity, and innovation in their classrooms; who make learning engaging, vibrant, and relevant for students; and whose work and accomplishments are a model for other teachers. The award may be distributed in the form of a cash gift, funding for a passion project, professional learning, travel stipends, or continuing education.

The purpose of the award is to elevate the teaching profession; attract, retain, motivate and inspire great teachers at our School; allow them to share best educational practices with their colleagues; and further enhance the reputation of teachers at TASIS Dorado.

A gift to the Tim Howard Excellence in Teaching Fund will directly impact the School’s individual educator or team of educators.


For more information, contact Gildren Bengoa in the Advancement Office at (787) 796-0440 Ext. 222 or


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